Archive for September, 2021

Sep 09 2021

Cadets: Barts Bash

Published by under Club Notices

This Saturday is Barts Bash for all sailors starting at 13.30. There will be a separate start for Cadets similar to the highly successful Rebellious Bowl, 3 minutes after the main fleet.


I encourage those Cadets who can sail a full course unaided to participate.


I will give an optional briefing at 12.45 outside the Sail Training Room and ensure everyone is happy with the course and starts etc.


Cadet Training and Racing

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Sep 09 2021

Winter Sailing 2021 – Action Needed by all Dinghy Owners

Published by under Club Notices

Dear Members


Again we find ourselves very tight on space in the dinghy park. We are approaching the Winter Storage issue and what we do with all the boats! The Sailing Committee have agreed a similar approach to last year.


We may be unable to accommodate all dinghies wishing to sail or be stored at the club over the Winter. With over 200 dinghies, Cruisers and Sandhoppers there just isn’t room.


There will be storage only for some Lasers and Piccos but this will be on the racks and offered on a first come first served basis. There will be limited storage for other classes elsewhere.


Application forms need to be with the Club Secretary before the 17th September so that a plan can be made before lift out. Any late payments (if accepted at all) will incur a £20 surcharge.


There are a great number of unloved and unsailed boats in the dinghy park. We would encourage these members to seriously consider removing these boats or disposing of them if not sailed. We are first and foremost, a sailing club and priority of storage will be given to those who can demonstrate regular use of their craft over previous winters



Howard Warrington
Rear Commodore Racing TBYC

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Sep 08 2021

Cadet Sailing over the next two weekends

Published by under Club Notices

Cadet Sailing for our ‘slightly’ more experienced Cadets, more details to follow.
Saturday 11th September – Barts Bash. I encourage Cadets to sail this race. Course and details will be published Thursday morning.
Sunday 12th September – Advanced training (Prep for next weekend’s competitions).
Thursday 16th September at 7.30 in Sail Training Room . Meeting for Cadets and parents to arrange transport etc. for Matt Dear and Interclub Cadet Team Race both now at Thames Estuary YC.
Saturday 18th September – Matt Dear Race at TEYC. ( A dedicated race for Cadets only in memory of Matt Dear who tragically passed away in 2009.) The aim of the charity is to raise awareness of the dangers of Anabolic steroids and appearance and performance enhancing drugs. We support this every year.
Sunday 19th September – Inter-club Cadet Team Race at Thames Estuary YC. (Change of venue).
A busy time for TBYC Cadets!

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Sep 04 2021

Ann Mckinlay

Published by under Club Notices

It is with sadness I announce that one of the club trustee’s Ann Mckinlay passed away peacefully at her care home on Friday 3rd September.

Ann a life member had been active at the club since 1951 until the last few years. Many members have fond memories of her keeping the Race Officer in check on the old red committee boat.

On behalf of the club I send our sincere condolences to Ann’s family

Adrian Bunting

Commodore TBYC

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Sep 03 2021

Rebellious Bowl – Cadet Trophy this Sunday 5th September

Published by under Club Notices

The Cadet Trophy called Rebellious Bowl is being raced this Sunday. The published start time is 10.30 plus 3 minutes.

The race will be sailed as part of the Club racing. I encourage those Cadets who can sail a full course unaided to participate. Read the sailing instruction for details of the start and course. TBYC-SI-2021_R2

I will give an optional briefing at 09.45 outside the Sail Training Room and ensure everyone is happy with the course and starts etc.


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Sep 02 2021

Cadet Race Training Sunday, 5th of September, 2021 10:30

Published by under Cadets

Dear Cadets and parents,

We are sailing off the beach at 10:30, briefing is a few minutes before on the beach. Let me know, please whether you can come or not this time.

Please, use this form to register:

Kind regards: Andras

New sailor registration form – only for those who have not sailed with us yet

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