Jan 08 2011


Published by at 20:59 under World's

Hi all just a quick update from Dan Henderson competing in the Musto Skiff world championships in Melbourn Australia

Thursday report

So I have been training for the last 5 days on the water with the aussies from sandringham yacht club, the club just down the bay from black rock which is where the event is being held. for the last 5 days the breeze has been quite big reaching a stable 25 knots on 2 of the days. My upwind pace in the big waves hasnt been too quick compared to the top aussies, however this is what i sort of expected as im shorter, and lighter than them all. However, one day when the breeze was big, around 22 knots but considerably smaller waves, my upwind pace was very simular to the aussies, but my downwind angles and speed seem to be slightly better, and my boathandling that i have practiced seems to be paying off, as im getting through the gybes in the waves. Today was the first light wind day we have had, as the land warmed up much faster than it has any other day, reaching about 32 degrees by about 11 oclock. Due to this, the see breeze didnt come in, and it became a bit hazey. We had about 5-8 knots, and my boat speed and height was better than everyone around me. Hopefully we will have some days like today in the regatta. The preworlds warm up starts on saturday, with a 6 race series over the weekend, and then a day off on the 10th before the worlds starts on the 11th. Ronnies boat arrived yesterday in the container after we had to barter for the container to get out of customs. Tomorrows forecast is 35 degrees so it could go either of 2 ways, it could be light like today, or we will get the typical sea breeze. Ill keep you posted on how the training goes tomorrow, and how the pre worlds go.

Dan GBR 409

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