May 09 2008

Sexy Fast Cats Crews Wanted!

Published by at 10:44 under Catamarans,Racing

Dear Boys and girls of the fast cats section. Now I have your attention, I’m looking to Kick start the racing again at the club and would value your opinions. Please can I get all your email address so I can send out reminders and also find out if you are needing crew. We have a thriving club at TBYC , lets use it.

Any sailors, old or young who fancy a go on a high flying projectile. please get in touch for the ride of your life, Sorry Barry, we saw two Sandhoppers trying to replicate at Cat, not fast but very funny.

Open meetings for fast or slow cats are a great way of improving both racing and social skills, if anybody fancies going to a meeting, please let me know as we can help with de-rigging etc. and possible transport to the event. On the last Bank holiday this Month, there is the “Hurricane Nationals” at Stokes bay on the south coast and also a Cat open. Several boats from TBYC are planning to be there, the more the merrier with a great social atmosphere. See you soon. Email: [email protected]

8 responses so far

8 Responses to “Sexy Fast Cats Crews Wanted!”

  1. Andrew Hannahon 09 May 2008 at 11:56

    Hey Struan, don’t be so rude about the Sandhoppers! I’ll have you know they are as exciting as the Topaz-Uno, which has a comparable PY number. But that is conditional on Sandhoppers flying two spinnakers and once!

    I’ll check my e-mail addresses for you.


  2. Struan Wallaceon 09 May 2008 at 12:28

    Thanks Andrew, Watch out for Barrie’s response!!!!!

  3. Martyn Eyreon 09 May 2008 at 16:05

    Hey!! One of the Sandhoppers was mine “Apollo”, we tried that joined up stuff and didn’t like it. You must know the story of the Tortoise & Hare.

  4. Struan Wallaceon 09 May 2008 at 16:21

    Ahh! Martyn, there are two kinds of sailors in the world! those who own a catamaran and those who would like to.

  5. Martyn Eyreon 10 May 2008 at 06:46

    Ohh! Struan I am so sorry you were obviously not aware that I have owned a catamaran, a Dart 16 that I tried with Gordon unfortunatley it did not suite us. Perhaps we are not sailors?

  6. Struan Wallaceon 10 May 2008 at 08:29

    Apologies Martyn, I’ve only been at the club a this century but It was nice to see you try it once again.

  7. Andrew Hannahon 11 May 2008 at 13:06

    Dart 16s can be heavy and sluggish if the bungs are left out.

    I’m sorry. This is a little private joke that Martyn Eyre could explain!

  8. Martyn Eyreon 11 May 2008 at 21:40

    I am so lucky to have the forsight not to be on the boat that day, best you consult with Gordon and Herve junior on that one!!!

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