Apr 23 2019

Keelboat Endeavour 2019 – Re-Run…

Published by at 09:20 under Racing,Sandhoppers


Just found out the Re-run of this event will be next weekend – April 27th, 28th – more entries have been added so it will be 20 minute racing rotating around the classes. Fingers crossed for good weather this time! – Good Luck!

Many of you may be aware of the Endeavour Trophy. Named after the 1934 British Entry to the America’s Cup. The Endeavour is the annual “Champion of Champions” race held at the Royal Corinthian YC in Burnham.

The much coveted (and extremely valuable) trophy can only be entered if you have won a National Class Championship within that year. All classes sail the same dinghy – currently RS200’s over a weekend’s fleet racing in a series of very short upwind/downwind courses.

This year the RCYC have introduced a Keelboat version of the trophy. This will be sailed on September 22nd and 23rd using the 707 yacht. The RCYC have a fleet of these boats, all newly fitted out and ready to race. The type of racing is designed to make exciting, high speed sailing and minimise the spread in the fleet. With a target time of 15 minutes per race, the emphasis is on as many short races in as quick succession as possible. The winner of this event will be invited to compete in the main Endeavour Trophy event in mid October.

Peter Thompson, this year’s Sandhopper National Champion, has put together a team and has entered the event on behalf of the Sandhopper Class and Thorpe Bay Yacht Club. His crew will be made up of: Peter Thompson and Mark Dell – National Champions, Paul Beasley and Alex Farrall 2018 National Runners Up.

They will be competing against this year’s National Champions from the following classes: Squib, Sonata, RCOD, J24 and Flying Fifteen. All of these will be top class sailors and the racing, now with the addition of the Sandhopper Class, will be very exciting to watch from the banks of the Crouch. So, do come along and support them if you can.

The very best of luck boys!          https://royalcorinthian.co.uk/endeavour/

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