Jun 16 2021

Dinghy Park Space

Evening Sailors,

The Dinghy Park is rapidly filling up with only a couple of spaces left on the plan. Please dont buy a new boat before provisionally securing a place. There may not be room for it.

I have noticed a number of boats out of position, causing others to put theirs where they can. There is no sailing this weekend so look at the Dinghy Park Plan and please use the time to move you boat to its proper position if you can. If someone else’s boat is in its place, please talk to the owner or if you can see where it should be on the plan, move it for them.

Other people have informed me that they have always had a space but are not on the plan this year. If this applies to you, please tell me as soon as you can and include where your boat is located in the dinghy park.

If you and a friend have put boats in a different order than shown, please message me the actual position of your boats and I will update the plan.

A link to the plan can be digitally obtained from Janet or myself via email. I will publish the most up to date plan in the Clubhouse before the weekend.

Thank you

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