Archive for the 'Club Notices' Category

Sep 18 2024

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Sep 09 2024

RNLI Pursuit Race – RESCHEDULED to Sunday 15th Sept Start Times

Published by under Club Notices,Racing

TBYC RNLI Pursuit Race Sunday 15th September 2024 SSI’s

Race Duration and Entry
Entry fee for the race is a £3 per boat voluntary contribution – All proceeds will be donated to the RNLI. Please place the entry fee in the container located on the main bar on the race day.
The Race Duration has been calculated based on the slowest class, RS Tera Sport, sailing for 2 hours. Start times for all other classes have been calculated based on the handicap numbers in use at Thorpe Bay Yacht Club as at April 2024.

Classes not allocated a start time should contact [email protected] by midday Friday 13th Sept latest to be allocated a start time. Competitors sailing boats without a start time allocated will not be eligible to race.

The Course
Shore Box start – The start numbers / times will be posted on the Bosuns hut blackboard along with the course.

The Start
The start time for the first boat (RS Tera Sport) is 09:00 hours
Start times for all classes have been rounded to the nearest minute and are published on the Start Times sheet attached to these supplementary sailing instructions. When possible, the Race Officer will answer questions regarding position in the sequence from competitors prior to the start. This information is entirely at the discretion of the race committee and will not be grounds for redress.
Thorpe Bay Yacht Club Flags will only be used in the initial 3 minute warning and preparatory period before the first start.
International Code Flag R shall be used as the warning signal for the first start.
Sound signals shall govern the starting sequence thereafter.
The first start number will not be displayed as code flag R is used for the first start. Subsequent start numbers will be displayed on the shore box approx. 10 seconds prior to each start and be removed immediately after the start signal.
Please ensure you know your start time and the previous start number so you know when you class start is due.
A single sound signal will be made for each of the designated starts even if no boat starts in that class.
There will be no recalls and at the discretion of the Race Officer premature starters will be penalised by 5 places in the finishing order, with no recourse to appeal or redress. Competitors are required to keep clear of the line until after the start immediately prior to their class.

The race will finish exactly 2 hours after the first start time. A support boat flying a blue flag will motor to the point where the lead boat has reached at the pre-determined finish time and sound a signal indicating that the lead boat has finished.
The support boat will drop an inflatable mark and all competitors shall sail towards this mark.
A support boat will then motor back through the fleet recording the finishing position of each boat as far as possible through the fleet. This is likely to be restricted to the front of the fleet depending upon conditions and positions on the course and is likely to be the first 5 boats only. (Where possible competitors should note the sail numbers of the boat in front of them at the time of the finish signal and record this on the declaration sheet the Bosun’s Hut.).
After the finishing sound signal, boats shall not overtake a boat in front but shall continue sailing until the support boat has passed them, recording their position, or the race officer on the support boat has indicated that he/she has finished recording places, at which time they will be deemed to have finished.

Start Times for Classes are below.

RNLI Pursuit Race 15 Sept 2024 start times

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Sep 05 2024

Published by under Club Notices

TBYC CADET REGATTA – Food available the evening of Saturday September 8th 2024. Please pre-book at the Bar

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Sep 03 2024


Published by under Club Notices

We need volunteers to help with the following Club Racing duties over the next few weekends please


Sat 07 Sep 2024 13:30 Autumn Sat – Assistant RO – Swap with Andrew Stickland or volunteer please

Sat 07 Sep 2024 13:30 Autumn Sat – SS2 Crew – Volunteer please

Sun 22 Sep 2024 13:30 Autumn Sun – SS2 Crew – Swap with Lawrence Crispin or volunteer please


The club tow car (BMW X3) is available to launch RIBs (any club member with a clean license over 25 is insured to drive it)

If you have a duty coming up and want a refresher on what to do please come along to any race and let the Duty Officer know if you would like to join a displacement or the committee boat to help / observe.

Don’t forget you can swap a duty with a VOLUNTEER PLEASE duty by emailing [email protected]

If you can help please volunteer / swap in the usual way via Dutyman or email [email protected]

Many thanks

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Aug 31 2024

Benfleet Shield Re-Run Sunday 1st September

Published by under Club Notices

We intend to Re-Run the Benfleet Shield Trophy Race this Sunday. The weather is looking ideal. Should this change at last minute we will revert to 2 points races. This will be at the Race Officer’s discretion.

The format will be similar to last year with a split start to allow for the faster boats to be in the same tidal conditions as the others and arriving in the creek nearer towards high tide.

WINDWARD /LEEWARD FLEET NOTE: If we revert to 2 races, the original start time for all fleets will revert to 10:30 and run in the usual sequence. The RO will not wait so please be ready.

The start times will be:

Fast Monohull, Monohull and Sandhoppers – (who usually start in the 2nd and 3rd starts) will start at 10:30. Signal will be code flag “R” – General Handicap mass start

Windward/Leeward fleet boats will start at 11:00. Signal will be Code Flag “D” (normal starting signal)

The course will be posted on the white board at the top of the slipway. Ultimately there will be a port hand turning mark in Benfleet Creek. It will be one of the club’s tall orange inflatable buoys.  It will be a committee boat start and a shore-box finish through the club line.

HW is at 12:35. There should be plenty of water to round the mark in the creek.

Starting sequence 3-2-1.

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Aug 28 2024

Cadet Open Regatta 7/8th September

Published by under Club Notices

Please see attached the NOR and SI’s for this years cadet regatta.

This is an Open Regatta so please pass to friends from any other clubs, especially from along our foreshore.



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Aug 25 2024

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Aug 24 2024

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Aug 20 2024

RS Tera Nationals

Published by under Club Notices

Day Two Photographs….. go to

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Aug 16 2024

Save the date

Published by under Club Notices

Cadet week 2025 will be the week beginning 11th August

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