Jun 27 2016

Shoreline Trophy – Race Notice and Sup Sailing Instructions

Published by at 09:41 under Racing

Shoreline SI2016

4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Shoreline Trophy – Race Notice and Sup Sailing Instructions”

  1. Barry Duceon 02 Jul 2016 at 20:14

    the diagram on the instructions is different to the diagram on the post, one shows abcdef the other misses f.
    Which one is correct?

  2. Paul Morganon 03 Jul 2016 at 17:11

    Barry, in the last two years the mark at TEYC has now been used as it interfered with their sailing, although it was on the diagram. This year I was asked to modify the diagram which I did, however I guess that never made it to the supplementry sailing instructions. Nobody had noticed for the last couple of years that it wasn’t there and I am sure if we had the chance to get to Chalkwell that would have been the case this year,. The key thing I believe is the course that is placed on the board directly before the race as this it usually with an understanding of conditions. I am sure this is the understanding of everybody sailing. Sorry this is only my view for helping support the website and may not be the whole belief of the sailing committee.

  3. Barry Duceon 03 Jul 2016 at 17:55

    Paul, we have sailing instructions as these are what we are supposed to follow. It was a fair question.
    Should the race officer on the day publish something different that it fine.
    However before you publish instructions perhaps a couple of competent sailors should proof them first.

  4. Paul Morganon 03 Jul 2016 at 19:18

    Barry, this was my view of the background as nobody had responded to you. You said when I publish the SI’s, I didn’t publish the SI’s which are actually Supplementary Sailing Instructions, why don’t you speak to the person that published it and is the Rear Commodore of Racing, Gary Burrows.

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