Jul 16 2015

Rib Launch and Recovery Duty

The use of Ribs to supplement our displacement Safety craft SS2 and 3 has become a common sight at TBYC.  Our Ribs provide excellent speed of response in an emergency situation, allowing the easy laying of the Start buoy and use of Special marks as well as taking the Race officer and displacement crews to their boats.  In order for us to enjoy use the Ribs they need Launching prior to the race and recovering after every one is ashore.

The task of launching and recovering the Ribs has now been added to Dutyman for the rest of July and August to keep track of who volunteer to do this essential job.  At the end of this time the Sailing Committee will review the situation going forward.

Treating launching and recovery as two separate duties we have 44 duties to cover over the next two months.  Rob Baily has kindly volunteered to cover this Saturday Launch and Recovery, with Toby Speller taking 18 of the duties straight away.  The remaining launch and recovery duties need covering if we are to see Ribs supporting our Weekend Racing.  If you can help, please volunteer through Dutyman, or email Janet, Graham and I to get your offer of cover added on to Dutyman.

Thank you all for your help and support in enabling the use of Ribs to continue at TBYC.  Without your help it won’t happen.

Jeremy Sandford

(Rear Commodore Racing)

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